To Investigate the Variation of the Resistance of a Metallic Conductor with Temperature

One of the factors that affects the electrical resistance of a metal is the temperature of the metal. In this experiment a length of wire, wound on a solid former, is connected to an ohmmeter to measure its resistance. The temperature of the wire is then slowly incresed by placing it in a test tube of glycerol which is, in turn, placed in a beaker of water which is heated with a laboratory heater. The water is heated slowly and resistance readings are taken at a number of different steady temperatures.

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  1. Record the starting temperature and the resistance reading in a table.

  2. Press "Heater On".

  3. After a rise of approx. 8 degrees press "Heater Off". Wait until the temperature stops rising. Record the temperature and resistance values.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have recorded at least six sets of readings..

  5. To repeat the experiment press "Reset" and repeat the steps described above.


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